Teens Encounter Christ (TEC) is a national retreat movement for older adolescents and young adults with nearly fifty years of history and a presence in some fifty Catholic dioceses in the United States as well as other countries. Our own Archbishop Gregory Aymond serves as the episcopal (bishop) moderator of the TEC Conference. The current TEC retreat program has been active in the Archdiocese of New Orleans since 1982, sponsoring over 135 retreats so far.
TEC is a three-day retreat weekend of prayer, reflections/talks, discussions and activities based on the Paschal Mystery. Opportunities for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Mass are included. TEC is a special experience with topics and an approach designed for older adolescents and young adults who have completed at least their sophomore year of high school.
T.E.C. is:
• Part of the CYO/Youth & Young Adult Ministry Office of the Archdiocese of New Orleans
• held at the Rosaryville Spirit Life Center near Pontchatoula, Louisiana
• open to young people that have completed at least their sophomore year of high school
• A fresh, different atmosphere away from home, school, or job
• An experience in Christian living
• Meeting with other young people from different schools, parishes, and areas
• Sharing with others how you see yourself, your ideals, your dreams
• Finding God real in your life
• Encountering Jesus Christ --Risen and Alive today!
Complete information and applications are available at the T.E.C. website: www.tecneworleans.com.