Athletics are frequently used as a tool to connect youth to parish life. Consequently, parishes have called on CYO to organize Archdiocesan-wide athletic leagues.
Coaches must be registered through the office in order to coach. A coaches' registration session is held each fall, providing a coach a four-year authorization card. A fee is charged to coaches (which includes handbook).
All leagues are open to young people in grades 8 through 12, including the summer after graduation from high school.
Besides occasional one-day tournaments, the following sports leagues are offered:
Teams are registered through this website by a deadline usually 3-4 weeks before that sport season begins. At approximately two weeks prior to the season beginning, a madatory meeting of partcipating coaches and officials is held to review the game schedule and rules and provide an opportunity for questions. The Athletic Council is a group of volunteers from across the Archdiocese who assist the Catholic Youth & Young Adult Ministry Office with planning and running the athletic leagues. They form standing committees for rules, protest, and discipline. They also help with scheduling, coaches registration, player eligibility, and special events.
Athletic competition between parishes takes place at various parish gyms and school yards. Games are scheduled on weeknights and Sunday afternoon, depending on the sport. The entry fee for most sports is $170.00 per team.